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Lucien Nunes Vaz - a unique opportunity to acquire some historical electrical and electronic technology from his collection and BBC interview
Venue address
Church Road South
Skegness, Lincolnshire
PE25 3RS
United Kingdom
Lucien Nunes Vaz - a unique opportunity to acquire some historical electrical and electronic technology from his collection and BBC interview


Auction dates
Starts: Apr 04, 2024 03:00 PM BST
Ends from: Apr 16, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Auction currency
There are 143 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
2x KEF SP1004 speakers - W 395 x D 305 x H 765mm
Swan Brand - The Premier Electric Toaster - cat No. 903
Philips EL3302 battery operated compact casette recorder
Carmen Cascade 20 heat retaining hair rollers
Philips L1G30T portable transistor radio in leather case
Truvox Model 55 extension speaker
Veg-O-Matic food preparer
Osborn The Heat Wave - electric paint stripper
Fell & Tarrant comptometer calculating / adding machine
Cool Foehnfan - foam blade desk fan
Brother M-1209 impact dot matrix printer
Thermos 1.5L food / drink picnic flask with pans
Main 15L unvented water heater
Pulsynetic programmable impulse clock - W 455 x D 245 x H 400mm
Ekco A239 valve radio
No lot
Lot 18
No lot
Lot 19
No lot
Lot 20
Ronson Escort 2000 hairdryer with comb, brush and setting hood
Taylor Model 82 universal meter
Endura 6 & 12V car battery charger
Roberts RT1 radio transistor
Miny transistor tape recorder
Cossor oscillograph1039 M oscilloscope
Alesis ADAT 8 track professional digital audio recorder
Pye Black Box mahogany valve record player hi-fi
Electrolux Dishmaid 1960's dishwasher - W 530 x D 530 x H 540mm
Reflecta Flectalux GLS 1010 fan cooled video / studio light
Cambridge Type 24488 portable potentiometer in wooden box
Pifco Vacette hand vacuum cleaner with attachments
Ferguson 3258 tape recorder
Thorn EMI Videodisc 3D01 VHD disc player
Sony ST-70 FM/AM tuner
Denshi Block SR4A Deluxe educational electronic kit
Dr Bortini portable wheatstone bridge tester
Bridge-megger resistance testing kit in wooden case
Lynch's electronic game caller - crow and game calling machine
High frequency 5432 electric shock / light therapy machine
Ekco 352 Autostop portable radio cassette recorder
Pye P75 valve table radio
Marconiphone T36AB portable valve radio
Fuller's cylindrical slide rule / calculator in wooden box
Murphy Radio - wartime civilian receiver utility set
Facit 1118J electronic calculator
AVO Model 8 universal avometer multimeter
Philips Ultraphil Type KL2866 health lamp
Ducter Evershed & Vignoles Ohmmeter low resistance tester
AGA Thermovision 782 - thermal imaging system portable display
Motorola 4800X Partner portable mobile phone with carry case
Bush Monarch SRP 31D valve portable record player
Burndept Model 252 all-wave valve radio
Tektronix 2445A 150 MHz 4 channel analog oscilloscope
Bush TV 12 AM - 9 inch bakelite television with aerial