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Commercial Assets (NO COLLECTIONS - DELIVERY ONLY) - over 1,600 lots including vehicles, plant & machinery, catering, AV equipment, gym and more
Venue address
Church Road South
Skegness, Lincolnshire
PE25 3RS
United Kingdom

Multi-location - see lot details

Commercial Assets (NO COLLECTIONS - DELIVERY ONLY) - over 1,600 lots including vehicles, plant & machinery, catering, AV equipment, gym and more


Auction dates
Starts: Jan 17, 2025 02:30 PM GMT
Ends from: Jan 28, 2025 10:00 AM GMT
Auction currency
We found 66 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Norbar Model SLO adjustable ratchet torque wrench
Record 84 bench vice
Norbar 200 professional 16mm spigot torque handle
5x Snap-on 18 SM18 deep sockets
4x Snap-on 18 SM18 deep sockets
Etalon bore gauge set
Tap and die set in wooden case - BROKEN HASPS
Tap and die set in wooden case - BROKEN HASPS
Strut spring compressor - PARTS MISSING
Britool EVT 2000A Torque wrench 40-160 Lbf.ft
Force CR-V 8036500 3/4 inch socket wrench slide bar
Tymer hand steel strapping cutter
Tymer hand steel strapping cutter
4x Bahco 225-Plus Sandflex BI- METAL 24 tpi hand hacksaw frames
5x Bahco 225-Plus Sandflex BI- METAL 24 tpi hand hacksaw frames
Record 84 - 34 machinist 4,1/4 inch jaw bench vice
Record 84 - 34 machinist 4,1/4 inch jaw bench vice
3x EZiCAT i750 cable avoidance tools - SPARES OR REPAIRS
3x EZiCAT i750 cable avoidance tools - SPARES OR REPAIRS
3x EZiCAT i750 cable avoidance tools - SPARES OR REPAIRS
3x EZiCAT i750 cable avoidance tools - SPARES OR REPAIRS
C.Scope cable avoidance tool - SPARES OR REPAIRS
Pneumatic sander/cutting tool
Universal Tool UT-8415 pneumatic impact wrench
Consolidated Pneumatic 793-SH Tork-Rite air wrench
Sykes-Pickavant 077055 diesel engine setting / locking tool kit
Blue-Point TD-2425 tap & die set - PARTS MISSING
Turnex 100H fastener extraction tool set
Hand operated woodworking mitre cutter
Norbar Industrial 4AR 3/4in ratchet adjustable torque wrench
Britool GVT8400 480-940Nm 1in square drive torque wrench
Earlex LMB steam master wallpaper stripper
Fluke 80TK thermocouple module with case
Elcometer 345 coating thickness gauge
Meggitt 1656 MOD1 Accumulator leak tester gauge
Millipore XX64 037 30 - Fuel sampling kit cased
RS 199-2433 pressure gauge kit with carry case
Draper Expert 3/4in square drive air impact wrench
Injector removal tool in wooden case
O-ring splicing kit with carry case
Isuzu 1-85281002-0 air bag wiring harness with carry case
Draper 1180 drill grinding attachment
Snap-on MT2500 PVCI 3-All Preload Upgrade master adaptor kit
Laser Tools 7829 rear suspension trailing arm bush kit
2x Moore & Wright depth micrometers in wooden storage case
Snap-On TER12A 3/8 inch drive torque meter - 0-16nm (
4x Kennedy 14lb sledge hammers with wooden handle
8x Facom 113A.12T 12 inch adjustable wrenches - 0-34mm opening
5x Facom 113A.15T 15 inch adjustable wrenches - 0-44mm opening
5x Facom 113A.15T 15 inch adjustable wrenches - 0-44mm opening